
Some of the useful answers to the frequently asked questions you might have


Yes, absolutely

You can get a full refund if you cancel it 24 hours before the photoshoot. Please, keep in mind that some payment methods could charge extra fees for transactions. If that's the case, it will be covered using the refund.

You can contact me via email, the contact form on the website, or by giving me a call. All photoshoots are booked by prepayment (50%).

Yes, if it's done at least 24 hours before the photoshoot

I'm happy to meet your needs as much as possible, we can discuss this matter

Yes, this can always be discussed prior or during the photoshoot

Quite often it's a mix of everything, but you might have some individual requests that can be discussed prior.

It depends on several factors, including the amount of photos but usually, it's up to 7 days after the photoshoot.

Absolutely, I can look for the right location for your photoshoot, considering weather conditions, the position of the sun, and other factors

Don't worry, I will assist you with this matter